"Safety" Means More Than Ever
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"Safety" Means More Than Ever

We are joining the National Safety Council (NSC) again this year in spreading the word on #NationalSafetyMonth! Safety is more important than ever given our current reality. We want to make sure that you, your families, and your coworkers are armed with the tools and resources to stay safe and healthy no matter what. This year, the focus is on Employees Returning to Work, Mental Health, Building a Safety Culture, Ergonomics, and Driving. Help us get the word out to our community by giving this blog a share!


SAFER: Safe Actions for Employee Returns

SAFER is a multifaceted effort aimed at helping employers prioritize safety as they return employees to traditional work environments post-quarantine.

The NSC has put together several comprehensive guides for business owners and leadership to consider when reopening their businesses to employees. Not an owner or manager? NO WORRIES! Don't hesitate to pass these guides along to your employer. They are designed to be adaptable to a whole host of industries, company structures, and sizes.

  • SAFER framework: Outlines six critical areas employers must prioritize as they consider reopening

  • SAFER Playbooks: Ten guides to help employers align worker safety with business objectives, as laid out in the framework

  • SAFER Quick-hit documents: Checklists, procedures, and protocols to implement SAFER recommendations


Mental Health

At AP, we talk a lot about taking time to care for you and keep an eye on others, and we mean it. Over the past year, we have seen why this is so important. You are absolutely not alone and there are SO many resources out there to help guide you through challenges.


Tips and Toolkits:



Building a Safety Culture

As with anything, progress works from the inside out and includes the top, down. The NSC wants each and every worker to embody the message of safety and share its importance. Be open, be brave, and don't be afraid to speak up if you see anything that needs to be fixed!





That annoying headache you're getting might not just be due to stress or staring at your computer screen. When working from home or trying to readjust to being back on-site, it's easy to lose sight of your posture, your hours, and your movements. Making some small adjustments can have a BIG impact on your health as a whole and fix some of those pesky, everyday problems like that stiff neck, those headaches, or even that low energy you're feeling!





If the COVID-19 crisis sent you home to work remotely, you likely don't miss having to drive. All that traffic, those rush-hour drivers, THE CONSTRUCTION... Kinda makes our nutty families, pets, and neighbors a little more tolerable, huh? Well, unfortunately, you will have to brave the Wisconsin roads once more, so let's make sure when you get out there, you're doing it safely!

Tips and Toolkits:



Let's keep each other safe, because after all...

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