Medical Clinic | Madison, WI | Associated Physicians, LLP
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Open Book

Kami Mendobrak Landasan Parkir Baru!

Konstruksi dimulai pada 17 Mei 2021. Parkir akan terpengaruh selama konstruksi. Parkir alternatif tersedia.

Penyakit Dalam

Tim ahli memberikan perawatan primer yang komprehensif termasuk fisik, pencegahan dan pengelolaan penyakit dewasa untuk usia 18 tahun ke atas.


Departemen erat memberikan diagnosa dan perawatan yang penuh kasih dan efektif untuk bayi, anak-anak, remaja, dan dewasa muda.

Obstetri dan Ginekologi

Spesialis suportif yang menyediakan perawatan primer dan pencegahan yang dipersonalisasi, inklusif, berfokus pada pasien dalam lingkungan yang hangat dan tidak menghakimi

Our Mission

We are an independent clinic that nurtures the healthy, heals the sick, and comforts suffering across all stages of life.  In recognition of this mission, we strive to deliver high-quality, cost-effective healthcare in the communities we serve.  We aim to provide safe, caring and unbiased medical treatment in an environment that is inclusive of everyone.  We respect and validate the unique needs of our patients and staff and are committed to providing judgment-free care that is driven by our patients themselves. Our staff and providers uphold shared high standards and treat both our patients and each other with the dignity that everyone deserves. 

Merawat Anda, dengan Anda.

Insurance Plans

We feel that everyone deserves the best care available, so we have extended our reach to accept several insurance plans.

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Get in Touch With Us

Got a question about establishing care? Not sure how to send your kiddos' camp forms? Give us a shout!

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