Dr. Zoe Rammelkamp | Internal Medicine
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John Ewalt, MD

Partenariat de soins de santé

Le Dr Ewalt est un spécialiste certifié en médecine interne qui connaît la valeur de l'établissement de relations à long terme avec ses patients.  


« La médecine interne est comme un puzzle. C'est complexe, alors vous écoutez les indices et faites très attention », dit-il. « Apprendre à bien connaître mes patients, établir cette confiance et cette familiarité, est à la fois crucial et très gratifiant. »

Relationships and Medicine

Dr. Rammelkamp says forging relationships with patients enriches her practice of preventing, diagnosing, and treating medical conditions.


"It's more than treating acute illness," she says. "I like seeing the whole person, and the nice thing about primary care over time is the aspect where I can know my patients and be a partner in helping them manage their health."


Dr. Rammelkamp earned a bachelor's degree with honors in neuroscience at Johns Hopkins University and her medical degree at the University of Maryland School of Medicine. She is a member of the American College of Physicians.

Comprehensive Care

After serving her medical residency at the University of Minnesota Department of Internal Medicine, Dr. Rammelkamp joined Associated Physicians in 2021.


"I specifically chose Associated Physicians because of the expert continuity of care we provide across medical specialties -- along with on-site labs, physical therapy, and behavioral services for our patients. I'm grateful to work with a really nice, kind, and professional group of doctors." 

Dr. Rammelkamp is a member of the Wisconsin Health Professionals for Climate Action and leads the Associated Physicians Green Team, a committee dedicated to managing our clinic's efforts at promoting environmental sustainability.

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