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COVID-19 Vaccine and Treatment Information

Updated as of November 16, 2023

We understand how serious COVID-19 is and are eager to get our patients vaccinated and treated. Our workflow could change rapidly based on state and federal decisions and available supply. Even scheduled appointments may need to be adjusted without much notice. We ask for your continued patience and appreciate your understanding as we all navigate this together.

COVID-19 Antiviral Treatment:

Oral and intravenous (IV) antiviral therapies are available to patients at risk for severe disease. These medications are not available over the counter and must be prescribed. If you are unsure of your eligibility or considered at risk for severe disease, please talk to your physician to see which COVID-19 treatment or medication may be right for you.

CLICK HERE to learn more. 

The Wisconsin Department of Health Services is offering FREE telehealth treatment appointments for COVID-19 seven days a week from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. CT for eligible patients! This program has been extended through December 31, 2023. 

You’re eligible if you…

  • Test positive for COVID-19 and have mild to moderate symptoms which started no more than five days ago.

  • Are currently in Wisconsin.

  • Are ages 18 and over.

  • Are at risk for developing severe COVID-19 (see link below for qualifying risk factors).

The antiviral medications are also provided free of charge either at a pharmacy, or when overnight mailed to you.

PREGNANT PATIENTS: Please follow up with your OB/GYN provider before scheduling a telehealth treatment appointment.

CLICK HERE to learn more.


COVID-19 Vaccines:

Adult Patients:


The Moderna* vaccine is available for adult patients. Give us a call to schedule. 


Pediatric Patients:

Pediatrics is offering Covid-19 vaccines to patients 6 months of age and older at scheduled appointments. Siblings who are present at the appointment can also receive their vaccine.

The Moderna* vaccine is available for patients 6 months of age and older. The Pfizer vaccine is only available for patients 6 months to 4 years old who have already started the Pfizer vaccine series. We will no longer be starting the Pfizer vaccine as a first dose. Patients under the age of 5 years are not able to switch brands. 

Some important things to note:

  • *Due to use and storage efficiency, we will only be carrying the updated Moderna vaccine for the 2023-2024 season (see exceptions for Pediatric patients above). If you have a vaccine preference other than Moderna, please utilize the vaccine finder to find the option closest to you.


  • If you are new to the clinic, you will need to have completed your first visit prior to scheduling your vaccine appointment, or you can also request your COVID-19 vaccine during your first visit.


  • If you haven’t been seen in a while, your last visit must have been within the last three years in order to be seen without re-establishing care.


  • It is safe to receive your flu and COVID-19 vaccines at the same time; however, if you are planning to receive any other vaccines (e.g. RSV), please talk to your doctor first, as some combinations of vaccines increase the risk of side effects. We don’t have the RSV vaccines in stock currently, so if you are eligible, we encourage you to seek out this option where available near you.  

We always encourage our patients to take the first opportunity that presents itself to be vaccinated and boosted against COVID-19.

If you or your child have already received a COVID-19 vaccine dose or are scheduled to do so soon, there is no need to call or send us a MyUnityPoint message to let us know. COVID-19 vaccinations given in the state of Wisconsin will be added to the Wisconsin Immunization Registry no matter where they are given.  ⁣

We appreciate your continued patience. We will continue to advocate for our patients to get vaccinated in a safe and timely way through any available resource.


All updates will be given through our Facebook and Instagram, and posted on this page. Additionally, if you are a site member or subscriber, you will receive an email update. Please see below for the most up-to-date information on local and national vaccine status.

Find A Vaccine Near You

COVID-19 Vaccination Sites

Click the "Find COVID-19 Vaccines Near You" link in the CDC tool box to the right (below on mobile) to use the CDC's Vaccine Finder tool to find a vaccine in your area.


4410 Regent St.Madison, WI 53705



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